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Mineral Wool / Slag Wool

Mineral Wool / Slag Wool
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Description / Technical Specifications

Mineral Wool / Slag Wool is an efficient and versatile material for heat,cold and sound insulation.

Mineral Wool / Slag Wool is manufactured from selected blast furnace slag and a blend of minerals, in the form of blankets to controlled density and thickness to assure utmost insulating value.

The centrifuge spinning process adopted results in the fine, short fibres interleaved in a crisscross mesh to entrap minute dead air cells.

Mineral Wool / Slag Wool offers the convenience of a flexible insulation and excellent thermal efficiency, it is adaptable to flat or curved surfaces and do not break handling.

Ideal insulating material for all industries

Mineral Wool / Slag Wool is the most preferred insulating material in situations reqiring dependable high temperature insulation and conservation of heat. It is deal for use in power plants, high pressure boilers, turbines, high pressure steam pipe lines, steam-traced oil pipe lines, towers and columns, annealing furnaces, vulcanisers, chemical and dairy transport tankers, pressure vessels, industrial banking oven.
Apparent Density in loose state
Apparent Density at 0.02 Kg/cm2
Moisture content % by weight
Moisture Absorbtion % by weight
Carbon Content % by weight
Sulphur Content % by weight
  Practically Nill
Average Fibre Diameter
  5 Microns
Short Content   Cumulative % retained on
I.S. 500 micron sieve : 3.0
I.S. 500 micron sieve : 3.0
I.S. 250 micron sieve : 9.0
Test on combustibility - satisfactory ( wgen tested at 750 degree C
a. loss in weight after test - 0.1
b. Practically no combustible vapour was emitted during the test

Mean Temp. Thermal Conductivity in mW/cm.deg.
200 Kg/M3 150 Kg/M3 120 Kg/M3
0.42 0.46 0.48
0.50 0.52 0.54
0.60 0.62 0.66
0.72 0.75 0.78
Mineral Wool / Slag Wool Fevicol AC Duct King Optima Fiberglass Tissue Paper Nitrile Rubber G.I. Hexagonal Wire Netting Extruded Polystyrene Rockwool Acoustic Thermal Insulation Board Resin Bonded Fiber Glasswool Fevicol AC Duct King Tuffinsul Lamella Loose Glass Wool Rockwool Pipe Section Thermocol Slab / Thermocol Pipe Section Rockwool Building Rolls Rockwool Resin Bonded Slabs Rockwool LRB Mattresses Ceramic Wool Rockwool Loose Wool Fevicol AC Duct Supreme Polyurethane Foam (PUF)
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